داستان آبیدیک

tragic vision


1 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: رویای غم‌انگیز

A classical scholar has contrasted modern visions of the anointed with "the darker picture" painted by Thucydides of "a human race that escaped chaos and barbarism by preserving with difficulty a thin layer of civilization," based on "moderation and prudence" growing out of experience.6 This is a tragic vision of the human condition that is very different from the vision of the anointed. In contrast to the vision of today's anointed, where existing society is discussed largely in terms of its inadequacies and the improvements which the anointed have to offer, the tragic vision regards civilization itself as something that requires great and constant efforts merely to be preserved- with these efforts to be based on actual experience, not on "exciting" new theories. In the tragic vision, barbarism is always waiting in the wings and civilization is simply "a thin crust over a volcano." Otherwise, while lifting up society in one respect, "how the devil can I tell whether I am not pulling it down more in some other place," he asked.7 This constrained vision is thus a tragic vision- not in the sense of believing that life must always be sad and gloomy, for much happiness and fulfillment are possible within a constrained world, but tragic in inherent limitations that cannot be overcome merely by changing institutions or by compassion, commitment, or other virtues which those with the vision of the anointed advocate or attribute to themselves. In the tragic vision, social contrivances seek to restrict behavior that leads to unhappiness, even though these restrictions themselves cause a certain amount of unhappiness.

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